Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Facebook Comments

For some reason I found this on my computer: a really long Facebook comment for Jennifer C-rd-n. Maybe I'm the only one that found it funny:

Dear Jennifer,

I maybe should start over again in a more serious tone, since this IS a very IMPORTANT matter. (Hence Facebook)

DEAR "SISTER IN CHRIST": (well I certainly hope so)

You have been wearing very immodest clothes. It is not that you are wearing anything revealing, but I would go as far as to say that your clothes are, well, SUGGESTIVE. It has been recently duly notes that the color red is one of expressive sexual tension. Therefore by wearing red, you have been suggestive in your mannnerisms and I am sure that you have probably wreaked enough damage. Two particular ways in which I have observed you being suggestive is when you wear your Maryland Terps Shirt after hours (which is shocking red), and when you wear your so-called "patriotic" combo - you know what I am talking about- your Anne Taylor jean jumper and long sleeve RED blouse. This goes clearly against Scriptural teachings!

Isaiah 1:18 says, “Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are like SCARLET (which is another word for RED), they shall be as white as snow; though they are RED like crimson (yet another word for RED), they shall become like wool.

Wearing RED is not only SUGGESTIVE but it is UNBIBLICAL. One can easily see that this passage calls us to wear things like WHITE, snow, and WOOL, and NOT RED, since wearing RED is also the color of an UNREGENERATE SOUL. PLEASE STOP WEARING RED. It confuses people and causes men women and children to stumble...

On another note of loving REBUKE, there are too many comments on your facebook page from the OPPOSITE SEX. This is probably due to your excessive wearage of RED and not because of your personality or amazingness.

I just finished making this gorgious and stunningly embroidered baby cloth daiper for my hope chest, and I think you should do the same.

And an encouragement for you: As much as I see everyday how flawed you are, as in dressing suggestively, I would like to offer up some encouragement. To Jesus, you're like pink icing and gingerbread and roses mixed with sparkles! To him you are a PRECIOUS princess in Christ. To Him, your worth is SO far above rubies AND diamonds!

Jennifer dearest, you are very special in the sight of the ALL LOVING GOD, who loves even the worst sinners.

Please, dear, please, let me know when you are ready to apologize to me and the other ladies for your excessive usage of RED, which has attracted too much unwarranted attention from MEN. The fact that you have so many

Facebook comments from MEN is unbiblical in that it is unfair to the rest of us ladies, who occasionally receive one or two comments from membors of the OPPOSITE SEX. In Christ, we should all be equal. But how can that be, when you get more male attention on facebook?

-->Bible verses promoting EQUALity:
>Revelations 21:16 "The city lies foursquare; its length the same as its width. And he measured the city with his rod, 12,000 stadia. Its length and width and height are EQUAL."
>2 Corinthians 6:14 "Do not be unEQUALly yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?"

Please do not be frightened by the time stamp on this comment. It is actually 10:00 AM where I am doing missions work in Communist China right now.

Your Loving Sister In Christ,
- Ioanna Lily Ann Cornett (last name pending change, by the grace of God)
PS: Embroidering "Sistahs" Until Heaven!
... so i'm just realizing how music videos make no sense when you watch them in mute...

Monday, March 26, 2007

Life is a definite blur


Dear self, and wandering eyes of internet roamers, whoever you may be (President Bush - my sincerest regards)...

Today I woke up and looked out the window. Lake Bob was shimmering with the heavenly glow of midmorning sun and romantic geese were bobbing their heads up and down in the green water entranced in some ancient mating ritual.

"Wait a minute- did I just say 'midmorning sun'"?!?

I glanced at my cell phone- it read 9:27am. NO!!!!

Again I realized that I had ruined the first day of my school week - precious monday, next to bloody sunday. I missed Biology AND journalism. Yesturday I did the total of over 3 hours of driving. It was very dreary. Although I did see the ones I love... anyways, missing classes = VERY BAD.

I logically concluded that I was now in need of major GRACE.... and consequently still am!

On a side note I have another headache. Some of these days just aren't "the days." I want to be laying in the sun again, on the top of Ravens Rock, listening to the world come alive with insects and spring breezes against the backdrop of Cate and Jessica dramatically reading King Lear....

I finally brushed my teeth this afternoon. This finally happened after I finally went to the store today and finally bought a toothbrush. (GASP! Will the secret ever be revealed that I managed to survive this semester without a toothbrush until now??!!??) It helped me with my self-conciousness. I was really worried about bad breath. I mean REALLY worried. I am very self centered... but... I do live inside myself... and it's the only view I ever witness firsthand- that is, from inside looking out.

I also walked to the cafeteria for lunch today. Ack! It was noon exactly and the cafeteria was filled with students. I walked over the toaster oven and made a sandwhich with my head looking down. David came by and gave me a "hello hope you doing well you look tired" hug. Meredith gave me a "i haven't seen you in awhile" hug. Lauren gave me a "long and long and loving - you look very sad" hug. Briana later gave me a "i'm just going to hold onto you forever hug because I'm really tired and you must be too so let's just lovingly rest" hug. Becca gave me a "we're both asians and we are the only asians in the cafeteria and i haven't seen you in like, an entire day and i am wearing a really hot shirt" hug. Or maybe that was yesturday... Jenna hugged me.. today? (It was a "Renae is a cool girl but so is Lily too, i think, and also, it's the second time i've let this poor girl into the dorm and maybe i'm hugging her because of that or maybe she just hugged me and i'm hugging her back" hug.) Whatever the case, I did a lot of hugging and I realized it was probably because I had a really sad face today!

Come to think of it, I've been hugging a lot. When I read into them to much I interpret much love. Thus, I logically conclude that HUGGING is HOT CHOCOLATE for the SOUL.

ALSO: Yesturday, there was a big tour bus outside of Founders that I saw when I was walking to my car. I suddenly thought that it was SOULFORCE. Haha, good one, close. No... it was the Model UN people coming back from partying in New York. My mistake, BIG difference.

My tired head has much to do. Since my body is attached to it, my body will follow my head. Um...

Jessica just read right now in a Dove wrapper that Dove Inc. invites us to "Test your limits and keep going."

I'm writing my to do list:
1. Test my limits
2. Keep going

It is once again that I've succumbed to a candy wrapper to dictate my life... the other was "Be mischievous- it feels good" or something like that.

Actually I've changed my mind! Let's go with:

1. Tell God how helpless and dependent I am especially with all the school this week.
2. Beg him for help.
3. Pending.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

my life is like driving over hills. i can't see over the one i'm on... and when i finally get over it, i can only see as far as the next peak

wa la!

it's the end of the world! count it once, count it twice. yep, it was good ya'll...

i kicked the ground so hard the iceburg flipped around and broke the sky... well, it kinda scraped it

being scrappy

life life life

... she was so absorbed now. no one would no it... that she doubted even being here... that she felt that it was pointless... that she wanted have a fun and wild ride through acadamia... only to end in this hollow sleepy little place... she wanted to go home and be with her sisters... for them and for her... sitting on the couch, running off, coming back, and they who were with her, all of us, including me, were so strange and random. we were the ackward but not awkward bunch. together through the thick and thin the long nights going on into the droning classroom daze....

but only from bits in pieces looking through the slits of others' lives

and sliding too far to get back up as we were high

hanging on to that one last time

total justification

yeah right

someone needs reality shock.

i did get it; driving home - suddenly i saw one world crossing into another, like it did at that one basketball game at washington bible... the good ole days where i lived by government tiled floors older computers and 3D graphics to work on NASA satellite screw plans. taking ideas from one world and bringing it to the next... the blueprints being transfered to cyberspace and feeling it.. ancient age

CICADAS so loud. joel and me traipsing round the grounds eating ice cream and wandering through the tech bldgs, wondering why the world went round... admiring cars, me asking him questions, him still a nerd and brilliant and eversincere. i forget those times i spent with him it was too long ago... now he's a million miles away in i rack

mister hartnett with shining in his eyes telling us about the exciting hours of being in the control station and directing the satellite so alive so many engineers and 3 story garage doors big machines and plastic glasses to wear when we went to look at them...

washington bible... driving on the beltway- past Silver Spring... every early morn drinking coffee talking to Lea or Andrew who would be wearing a funny shirt and swept hair, Lea's smile and coffee shirt, PEBL green phone... sitting in her office, me checking email wasting time and changing the background every five seconds....

micah's sleeping on the couch every time every day after school, mom is cooking ginger again (no mom! no more!) i miss that strong smell.
the light is yellow kyle wants to play video games i have a strong impulse to go outside and juggle with the soccerball. joel is going out again wants me to go to starbucks with him, we go it's evening, so many people he knows. nick drinking a mocha frapp saying something like, "dude... you won't believe what i #$%ing did the other day..."

anna complaining complaining

Reading through the purpose driven life with lauren, walking there with liz, eating green apples, chewing green apple gum, making gun team shirts